Sleep Disorders Center

Sleep Disorders Center

Comprehensive Sleep Studies in 开普吉拉多市

The Sleep Disorders Center at Saint Francis Medical Center in 开普吉拉多市 is a six-bed facility with state-of-the-art equipment and private restrooms, providing comprehensive sleep studies to the southeast Missouri region. Staffed by technicians who are credentialed by the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists, the Sleep Disorders Center was the first laboratory in the region to receive a Certificate of Accreditation from the American Academy of 睡眠医学 (AASM), and the only lab to provide the service of a Clinical Sleep Educator.

The Sleep Disorders Center diagnoses and treats all common sleep disorders, 包括:

  • 睡眠呼吸暂停 -睡眠呼吸暂停, a common disorder experienced by approximately five percent of Americans, occurs when airways collapse and breathing stops for a short while during sleep.
  • 猝睡症 ——嗜睡症, a lifelong disorder involving the brain’s inability to regulate sleep and wakefulness, is most commonly diagnosed in the teen years and is thought to be hereditary and possibly environmentally affected. Symptoms of 猝睡症 may include:
    • Temporary lack of muscle control while excited
    • Vivid dreams upon falling asleep/awaking
    • Brief inability to move or talk upon waking
  • Periodic Limb Movement of Sleep – Periodic limb movement of sleep is characterized by involuntary muscle spasms in the legs that occur while asleep.
  • Restless Legs Syndrome – Restless legs syndrome is a deep creeping or crawling sensation in the legs that causes an urge to move them when awake.

State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Technologies

The skilled technicians at Saint Francis’ Sleep Disorders Center assess each patient through various measures, 包括:

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG): measures heart rhythm
  • Electroencephalography (EEG): measures global neural activity
  • Electromyography (EMG): measures muscle activity and limb movement
  • Electrooculogram (EOG): measures eye movement
  • Piezoelectric belt: measures respiratory effort
  • Pulse oximetry: measures oxygen saturation
  • Thermistor or pressure transducer: measures nasal and/or oral airflow
  • SPiN Thoracic Navigation System 由Veran

Following diagnosis and development of a treatment plan, the Sleep Disorders Center provides patients with educational and support services, such as one-on-one counseling sessions, 清醒(, Well and Keeping Energetic) support sessions, and the CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) Follow-up Clinic for those sent home with breathing aids.

The Sleep Disorders Center was the first laboratory in the region to receive a Certificate of Accreditation from the American Academy of 睡眠医学. Saint Francis earned accreditation for employing skilled and experienced sleep specialists, providing a comfortable sleep lab environment, and developing individualized treatment plans tailored to the unique diagnosis of each patient.

角肺学 and 睡眠医学

In collaboration with the Sleep Disorders Center at Saint Francis Medical Center, 角肺学 and 睡眠医学 provides specialty care to patients with problems related to breathing and sleeping. Highly skilled physicians work in conjunction with respiratory therapists and sleep technologists to offer comprehensive care, 包括:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases, 比如哮喘, 慢性咳嗽, 囊性纤维化, 和肺结核
  • Respiratory therapy services
  • Assessment and diagnosis of sleep disorders, 比如睡眠呼吸暂停, 猝睡症, and nocturnal myoclonus
  • Sleep studies conducted in an American Academy of 睡眠医学 (AASM)认可的实验室
  • 一般肺学, 睡眠医学, and critical care medicine for patients and those receiving long-term acute care at Landmark Hospital


The Sleep Lab is open Sunday through Friday night for sleep studies.


Sleep Disorders Center
211 Saint Francis Drive
开普吉拉多市, MO 63703